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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prosatelink introduces Clintondetutor

Funny you may say I look: Its not funny anyway.... to read the full story click here

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Madam Abigail Olapemu Is Dead.....

with a sad mind we the prosatelink crew would like you to join me in expressing our heartfelt condolences IFA1, Mr. Mike Adegun and his family for the loss of his mother, Mrs. Abigail, (Olapemo), Adegun, this morning.

She had a really full life, passing away at a wonderful age of 107! May her soul rest in peace.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

BRIDGING THE GAP….. prosatel

The essence of practicing democracy all over the world is to create a government that is responsive and responsible working to develop the interest of it’s masses. It is to create a platform were the interest of the masses are being represented, where both the rich, palatinate and peasant are being given equal right and privileges as stipulated by law. In essence, there are advantages that goes with democracy that is why it has been practiced by great nations, all over the world.

Abraham Lincoln in his words described democracy as………..