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Sunday, May 23, 2010



• That about one-third of girls in the united states get pregnant before the age of 20yrs….. Central for disease control and prevention, USA

• Do you recall that the Bible book of Eph 5:3 advised all not to involve in fornication as it is considered an act of un- cleanliness. Whoever does such thing, sin against himself. How? Either by contacting disease that can lead to death or facing the menace of un-wanted pregnancy.
• Have you heard that out of the more than 2,000 children with breathing problems examined at 9 hospital pediatric units in Athens, Greece, some 65 percent of them were found to have been exposed to (Tobacco smoke) either by one or both parent kath, merini English Edition, Greece.

Advise:- based on this report, it is advisable for both parent and children to avoid areas where smoking is rampant. And also parent should do their utmost to abstain from cigarette smoking as it’s un-cleanliness to the body. As Smoking defiles their body
• That each year in Germany, about 10,000 babies are born with alcohol-related birth defects. Report the siiddeutehe zeiting.

About 4000 of these children are severely and permanently disabled “there is no certain limit for safe alcohol consumption during pregnancy “warns drug commissioner sabine batzing.. we need to embrace the awareness of physicians, midwives and pregnant women that even a drink now and then (by a pregnant women ) could harm a child mentally and physically or lead to behavioral problems;

What to do:- what to do as has rightly be suggested by sabine batzing is to enhance awareness by making good use of the midwives and pregnant woman themselves. This will reach the heart.

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